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Sunday, August 17, 2014

EarthRights School Myanmar (ERSMY) Advocacy Training Program

EarthRights School Myanmar (ERSMY) Advocacy Training Program

MARCH - October 2015

Please read the following information carefully before completing this application.

EarthRights International (ERI) recognizes that healthy ecosystems cannot be maintained without respect for human rights, and that human rights are unattainable without healthy ecosystems.  The term earth rights, refers to those rights that reflect the connection between human well-being and a healthy environment.  Earth rights issues include violations of human rights and the environment.  We believe in the power of law and the power of people in defense of the environment. 

Friday, August 1, 2014

Norway Study Opportunity

Norway offers you a unique student experience and Norwegian institutions of higher education welcome applications sent by qualified students from all over the world.
Internationalisation is a priority within all sectors of the Norwegian education system, and universities and university colleges are constantly working to facilitate for international students. Around 15 000 foreign nationals are