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Sunday, August 17, 2014

EarthRights School Myanmar (ERSMY) Advocacy Training Program

EarthRights School Myanmar (ERSMY) Advocacy Training Program

MARCH - October 2015

Please read the following information carefully before completing this application.

EarthRights International (ERI) recognizes that healthy ecosystems cannot be maintained without respect for human rights, and that human rights are unattainable without healthy ecosystems.  The term earth rights, refers to those rights that reflect the connection between human well-being and a healthy environment.  Earth rights issues include violations of human rights and the environment.  We believe in the power of law and the power of people in defense of the environment. 

The goal of the EarthRights School Myanmar (ERSMY) is to raise awareness and train grassroots and community leaders from Myanmar about the impacts of large-scale economic development projects on communities and the environment. We train participants on effective strategies to lessen negative impacts and improve outcomes of investment projects through strengthening the capacity of civil society and local communities to advocate on their own behalf. We provide training to grassroots and community leaders to develop the skills to work on these issues so that they can work toward positive change with the people of Myanmar.

In 2015 we are recruiting candidates from organizations actively involved in advocacy on earth rights issues related to the following themes:

1.  Extractive Industries including oil & gas, mining, and agribusiness plantations
2.  Mega dams, highways and other mega development projects
3.  Land rights of vulnerable communities
4.  Ensuring responsible behavior by International Financial Institutions (IFIs)
5.  Ensuring responsible behavior in private overseas investment by foreign companies
6. Addressing abuses of corporate power, with a focus on recent increases in corporate rights without associated increases in accountability mechanisms

ERSMY emphasizes the value of local knowledge, wisdom, and life experience of the participants, which is combined with new ideas and information. The program focuses on serving individuals that have close ties with their local environments and communities, giving them tools to advocate for and facilitate a participatory development process in their community. The program encourages participants to develop focused skills and knowledge that can be used to help their communities both protect the environment and develop safe and healthy lives for all.

The program is eight months long; there are six months of classroom-based training and a two-month field session practicum. It begins in early March 2015 and will finish in late October 2015 and will take place predominately in Chiang Mai, Thailand.

Classroom Session 1
The program begins with orientation in early March which consists of team-building activities and a cultural exchange to facilitate connection and trust among the learning community. After orientation the students will take a number of classes related to human rights and corporate accountability . The focus will be on enabling participants to play a greater part in local decision making and protection of their environment to meet the needs of the local people. During this time an English language and writing course will be delivered. Students will also have the chance to take field trips to communities in Thailand to learn about their experiences with community development and protection of the environment.

Practicum Field Session
The two-month practicum field session will be a chance for students to study first-hand environment and development-related issues in their communities.  This session will be a chance for the participants to use the knowledge they have gained from the program to investigate issues in their communities as practicing researchers.  

Classroom Session 2
In the final classroom session from early August to late October, students will use the evidence gathered during their Practicum Field Session to write blog/internet stories, fact sheets, press releases, and other texts relevant for developing an advocacy plan.  Students will prepare and present their findings through oral presentations, create an advocacy plan and a draft funding proposal to support their work.  In addition, students will attend several practical skills classes’ related to advocacy and campaigning.

One Year Commitment to Working on Earth Rights Issues in the Student’s Communities
After attending the ERSMY training program the students are required to commit to spend a full year working in advocacy on earth rights issues in their communities. 

*Please note that ERSMY is an independent program not affiliated with any university, and therefore does not offer university or academic credit *
ERSMY Application Criteria

NOTE:  ERSMY WILL not select anyone who does not have the appropriate travel documents to allow them to travel to and within Thailand. 

Applicants must meet the following requirements:

1.     Participants must commit to active participation in advocacy on earth rights issues work inside Myanmar or along the Thai-Myanmar border for at least one year following the program.

2.     Participants should have two or more years experience working with communities and/or civil society groups focused on human rights or the environment, with a specific focus on investment projects. Applicants must be interested in learning more about different aspects of advocacy strategies and how to develop an advocacy plan to be used in their communities.
3.     Participants must complete the practicum field session, which includes creating a field research plan and conducting a two-month project, and produce various campaign materials and presentation related to an earth rights issue in Myanmar.

4.     Participants must have at least Pre-Intermediate level English language skills (speaking, listening, reading and writing) to be determined through a personal interview. This is important because many of the classes will be taught in English.  Participants must also be able to; speak,  read, and write Myanmar language fluently as some classes, discussions, and assignments will be in Myanmar language.

5.     Participants must be willing to live at the training center during the classroom sessions and follow the rules regarding safety and communal living. Participants must share community duties such as cooking, cleaning, and maintenance work.

6.     Participants must participate in communal life, participatory decision-making, and experiential learning, including sharing and reflecting on their own experiences.

7.     Participants must be interested in meeting and living with people from different backgrounds and respect people as individuals regardless of their backgrounds.

8.     Participants must be willing to follow and respect the non-discrimination policy of the school. ERSMY has a zero tolerance policy for discriminatory attitudes and behaviours based on race, nationality, ethnicity, religion, political belief, age, gender, physical ability, or sexual orientation.

9.     ERSMY will not consider any applicant who is enrolled in a university or other school program.

10.  Applicants must have a valid Myanmar passport at the time of acceptance into the program.

Application Process

  1. Complete the application form and answer the essay questions in English language only.  You can handwrite or type your answers.  If you need more space to answer, you can add a page / sheet of paper.  

  1. The application deadline is October 3rd, 2014. All applications must be received by this time. Applications received after this deadline will only be considered in exceptional circumstances. Applications may be sent by post or e-mail (*see contact information below).

  1. Recommendation Letters: Have two people who know you well each complete the recommendation form. One recommendation should be from a member of an organisation you are involved with and the other should be from a civil society leader in your community (such as a teacher, religious leader, NGO worker or ERSMY alumni). These should be returned together with the application.

  1. Due to the high number of applicants, ERSMY will only contact short-listed applicants to set up a test and an interview. The test will assess the applicant’s English language and critical thinking skills.

  1. Candidates will be chosen to participate in the ERSMY program based on their application, recommendation letters, test, and interview results.

All individuals who meet the above criteria are encouraged to apply. ERSMY also strongly encourages applications from women, members of ethnic minorities, and those living in rural communities.

ERSMY does not discriminate based on race, nationality, ethnicity, religion, political belief, age, gender, physical ability, or sexual orientation.

2014-2015  ERSMY Timeline

Application Dates

3 October 2014
Application Deadline – applications MUST be received by this day.
17-21  November 2014
Short listed applicants will be informed.
1-12  December 2014
Test and interviews will take place (date and location to be announced)
15-19  December 2014
Selected Participants will be contacted
28 February 2015
Participants arrive
2 March 2015
Participants start ERSMY training

Training Program Dates (To be confirmed)

2 March - 29 May 2015
Classroom Session ( I )
28 May - late July 2015
Practicum Field Session
Early August - late October 2015
Classroom Session ( II )

Upon completion of this application – including letters of recommendation – please return it by email or post to one of the following addresses, to arrive no later than 3rd of October 2014. Please note that this deadline is strict.

*Contact Person:       Program Coordinator, ERSMY

Mail:                           P.O. Box 123
Chiang Mai University
Chiang Mai

Application Information

Please provide the following information. If you do not want to send this information or have any questions, you may call +66 (0)81 672 3095 and the School will return your call.
Name: _________________________________________________________________

Date of Birth: _____________   Age: _____   Sex (Circle): M / F   Religion: __________

Ethnicity: _________________________   Nationality: ___________________________

Languages that you can speak: ______________________________________________

Do you have a Myanmar passport valid through the end of 2015? (Circle): 
Yes     No        In Process   (applied, but not yet received)

If no, will you be able to get one before February 2015?  (Note:  the School will not pay for the cost of the passport):  Yes    No

Participation in the ERSMY program will involve learning about a new culture and country. Have you ever traveled abroad before, and if so, what was the duration and purpose of travel?

Are you applying to any other schools or scholarships?  (Circle):  Yes     No
If you circled yes please fill out the information below:

Name of School/Program

Dates of School/Program
Date you will know if you have been accepted

Marital Status (Circle):   Single        Married   

Do you have any children? (Circle): Yes      No

If so, how many, and what are their ages?


Where could you attend a test and interview? (Circle one or choose ‘Other’)

Myanmar:  Yangon                                        Other location:                      

Thailand:  Chiang Mai                                   Mae Sot         

 Phone interview only                                     other: ______________________________

Where are you currently living?                                                                               

Contact Information (Please give at least one of the following):

Address: ________________________________________________________________


Telephone: ______________________________________________________________

Fax: ___________________________________________________________________

E-mail: _________________________________________________________________


Highest education level completed: __________________________________________

What schools have you attended?

Name: ______________________ Location: ____________________ Date: __________

Name: ______________________ Location: ____________________ Date: __________

Name: ______________________ Location: ____________________ Date: __________

Name: ______________________ Location: ____________________ Date: __________

Name: ______________________ Location: ____________________ Date: __________

Name: ______________________ Location: ____________________ Date: __________

What relevant trainings or workshops have you attended?

1. Name of Training: ______________________________________________________

Organized by: __________________ Location: _________________ Date: ___________

2. Name of Training: ______________________________________________________

Organized by: __________________ Location: _________________ Date:  __________

3. Name of Training: ______________________________________________________

Organized by: __________________ Location: _________________ Date: __________

4. Name of Training: ______________________________________________________

Organized by: __________________ Location: _________________ Date: ___________

5. Name of Training: ______________________________________________________

Organized by: __________________ Location: _________________ Date: ___________

Work History

Where are you currently working and/or with which organisation are you currently associated?

Name: __________________________________________________________________

Address:  _______________________________________________________________

Position:  _______________________________________________________________

Responsibilities/Duties: ____________________________________________________




How long have you been there?



What other jobs have you had? These can be paid or unpaid positions.

Job title: ______________________________________________________________________

Organization: __________________________________________________________________

Location: _____________________________________________________________________

Dates: ________________________________________________________________________

Responsibilities/Duties: __________________________________________________________




Job title: ______________________________________________________________________

Organization: __________________________________________________________________

Location: _____________________________________________________________________

Dates: ________________________________________________________________________

Responsibilities/Duties: __________________________________________________________




Names of the two persons writing your recommendation letters:

1. Name & Position: _______________________________________________________           

Organisation:  ____________________________________________________________

Address: ________________________________________________________________


Telephone: ______________________________________________________________

Email Address: ___________________________________________________________

2. Name & Position: _______________________________________________________

Organisation: ____________________________________________________________

Address: ________________________________________________________________


Telephone: ______________________________________________________________

Email Address: ___________________________________________________________

Application Essays

All essays should be written by yourself in your own words in English language. Please sign at the end of the essays to certify that they are your own work.

You are welcome to handwrite answers and send them by post.   Please make sure your application arrives by the deadline of October 3rd, 2014.

Essay Questions

Answer the following questions in no more than 250 words each

1. Please introduce yourself, explaining why you would like to study these subjects, and why you would be a strong candidate for this program? 

2. What is the relationship between human needs and the environment? How can economic development affect this relationship?  Please use at least one specific example from your community in your answer. 

3. Please describe your community and your role in organizing your community for change.  Please include how you have been involved in advocacy for change.

4. Please describe what earth rights issue you would focus on during your two-month Practicum Field Session (this can be an earth rights issue you are already working on, or one you could potentially work on), and why you are passionate about this issue.

I certify that I wrote these essays by myself.

Signed: ______________________________________________________________________
RECOMMENDATION (1) FOR ___________________________________________________
(Name of Applicant)

Your name: __________________________________________________________________

Name of organisation: ____________________________________________________________

Responsibility within organisation: _________________________________________________

Please answer the following questions:

How long have you known the applicant? ___________________________________________

Explain your relationship to the applicant: ___________________________________________


Comment on why you support this application to the ERSMY Program: ____________________





Comment on the applicant’s ability and drive to use his or her knowledge about human rights and the environment in their future life and work:





Please comment on the applicant’s weak points; areas where they can improve:




Please assess the applicant’s skills and abilities in the following areas, using the numbers 1 to 5:  1 = Not sure / 2 = Poor / 3 = Good / 4 = Very Good / 5 = Excellent

  • Ability to remain independent        ________
  • Level of maturity        ________
  • Ability to grow and develop skills and experience        ________
  • Ability to act responsibly & take responsibility for own actions        ________
  • Level of motivation        ________
  • Tolerance of difference and diversity in race, religion, gender, sexual orientation etc.        ________
  • Ability to foster friendly and productive community relations         ________
  • Ability to apply knowledge and skills to real-life situations        ________
  • Ability to communicate openly and reasonably          ________
  • Ability to work in team settings        ________
  • Experience and interest in community development and environment issues     ________
  • Ability to communicate in the English language                    ________

Please use the remaining space for any other relevant comments you may wish to make about the applicant:









I, ___________________________ (your name) certify that _________________________
(Applicant’s name) is a strong and suitable candidate for admission into the EarthRights School Myanmar (ERSMY) Program 2015.

Signed: _______________________________________________________________

Dated: ________________________________________________________________

RECOMMENDATION (2) FOR ___________________________________________________
(Name of Applicant)

Your name: __________________________________________________________________

Name of organisation: ________________________________________________________

Responsibility within organisation: ______________________________________________

Please answer the following questions:

How long have you known the applicant?: ____________________________________

Explain your relationship to the applicant: ______________________________________


Comment on why you support this application to the ERSMY Program: __________





Comment on the applicant’s ability and drive to use his or her knowledge about community development and the environment in their future life and work:





Please comment on the applicant’s weak points; areas where they can improve:





Please assess the applicant’s skills and abilities in the following areas, using the numbers 1 to 5:  1 = Not sure / 2 = Poor / 3 = Good / 4 = Very Good / 5 = Excellent

  • Ability to remain independent        ________
  • Level of maturity        ________
  • Ability to grow and develop skills and experience        ________
  • Ability to act responsibly & take responsibility for own actions        ________
  • Level of motivation        ________
  • Tolerance of difference and diversity in race, religion, gender, sexual orientation etc.        ________
  • Ability to foster friendly and productive community relations         ________
  • Ability to apply knowledge and skills to real-life situations        ________
  • Ability to communicate openly and reasonably          ________
  • Ability to work in team settings        ________
  • Experience and interest in community development and environment issues        _______
  • Ability to communicate in the English language                    ________

Please use the remaining space for any other relevant comments you may wish to make about the applicant:









I, ___________________________ (your name) certify that _________________________
(Applicant’s name) is a strong and suitable candidate for admission into the EarthRights School Myanmar (ERSMY) Program 2015.

Signed: _______________________________________________________________

Dated: _______________________________________________________________

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