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Wednesday, June 18, 2014


Since my soles were two fingers

Since my shoulder was two inch
She was play with death life
And bring me in to the world

Education; She doesn’t know what is education?
But she sent me to school for study

She doesn’t even know how to read and write
But she’s expecting my letter every day

She doesn’t know about online
But she’s waiting for my call every day

She doesn’t know about the law
But she was hire a lawyer for me the day I faced a problem
She doesn’t even know about computer
But her admonish is better than computer’s program

She doesn’t has own house
But kindness is full in her heart
She usually gives me with her kindness
She always accept unruly by her smile face

She gives me a white blood for a while
Blood become white milk
Because of her compassionate

I don’t have a chance to call FATHER
But she’s both, FATHER AND MOTHER
I was grow up by her affections
I was grow up by her kindness
I was grow up by her instruct
Now my turn to be a good mother likes her.

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